Your Direction


Tarot Reading: 90 Minutes

Look at probable futures and outcomes for different areas of your life using the full Rider Waite Tarot deck. Discuss the energies and patterns influencing your life at the four primary levels of existence: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Compare options for choices on your life path.

Recovery mentoring: 60 Minutes

Receive guidance on the “spiritual solution” suggested in the 12 Steps, a concept put forth by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung. Work on balancing inner work with outer actions in the world to truly live in integrity and walk your own spiritual path.

Life after Life Exploration: 60 Minutes

Expand your scope of physical reality and find your own unique purpose in life with the understanding that there is a continuation of consciousness after death of the physical body. Learn to experience the true nature of love, live in the present moment and connect with the collective unconscious.

Creative Expression coaching: Project Based

Engage in the process of rewriting your story for yourself or to share it with the world through publication. Learn how to reframe experiences to find the learning lessons in every life challenge, and then use that wisdom for self-growth and to help others.

DragonFly on a branch.

“The map is not the territory.”

— Alfred Korzybski